In order to practice Reiki one must undergo several periods of
preparation. This way the individual will be prepared to receive and
understand the secrets of working with Ki, the divine force which
governs life. Usui, the first Reiki master and the one who has
established the Reiki healing technique has receives all the Reiki
energy at once, thus being able to heal himself, the others and at the
same time pass his knowledge of Reiki to his followers. Similarly, he
passed the power to his students at once. Yet, Dr. Hayashi understood
that not all people who want to learn the principles of Reiki are
prepared to receive all the attunements at once as they are not able to
adapt to the power that runs through them. This is why he broke the
empowerment procedure into 3 main levels. At the end of each level the
student receives a new attunement or empowerment, all culminating with
receiving the attunement of Reiki master.
Level one – focuses on preparing the body for
receiving the energy. During these initial preparations the student is
taught how to attract energy, receive it inside their bodies and work
with it for their own cleaning. The basic notions of channeling the
energy are also disclosed in the first degree sessions. At the end of
the preparation period the student will receive the attunement which
enables them to use Reiki for their own sake. From then on the students
will need to perform regular sessions to clean themselves and balance
the level of energy from their bodies.
Level two – it focuses on the others, as the
students will be given lessons about the way in which they can use
energy to heal the others. The sacred symbols are taught now and the
emphasis lays now more on the spiritual part of the student rather than
on their physical part (which was the object of the level one). At the
end of this level, which lasts four times more than the first one the
student should be able to individuate the part of the body which needs
treatment, will be able to give proper care to the other people and will
be capable of initiating both hands-on and at distance treatment
Level three – this is the last attunement. Students
who choose to undergo this last level of learning will be taught how to
pass their knowledge and power to the other people who want to learn
about Reiki. At the end of the lessons they become Reiki masters and
have the highest rank in the Reiki hierarchy, but they have also more
responsible, as they are in charge of their lives as well as of the
Reiki attunements are valid for life, so even if you do not use it
for a long period you will still have them and be able to activate your
power when needed.
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