Monday, August 12, 2013

Can I lose my Reiki energy if I share it with other people?

Many people consider that Reiki involves sharing your energy with other people so that they attain energetic balance. From here the wrong assumption is that when healing too many people or when sharing the Ki energy with them, the practitioner’s energy is depleted and he/she is more prone to energetic imbalance, hence diseases or illnesses. This is the wrong way of addressing the problem of loosing energy to the patient as this does not happen.

The best way to explained that loss of energy occurs is explained below:

When the energy is channeled by the practitioner towards the patient, both the practitioner and the patient are considered to be in need of energy. Thus, the Ki energy addresses both the practitioner and the patient. It is practically a double healing and while the practitioner is only the means through which the energy reaches the patient, the divine force considers that the practitioner should also be healed. This is why there is no possible way through which the energy of the practitioner could ever be depleted. When you are working only as a channel, a transmitter and none of your resources are involved in the procedure, there is no reason to be afraid of remaining without resources.
In addition to that, the practitioner’s ego is not involved in any way in the process of healing. The energy is guided by the supreme force to the parts of the body which need care, so that the healing force is the divinity and not the practitioner, the latter being only the channel.

After undergoing a healing session, both the practitioner and the patient are surrounded by positive energy which gives them that sate of well being so much cherished by all those practicing Reiki. Thus, in addition to being a positive experience for the patient, the Reiki sessions are highly beneficial for the practitioner, too. They get to help people heal and at the same time they undergo a process of cleansing and purification.

Thus, if you have never wanted to share your power with others for fear of not depleting your energy, it is high time that you reconsider your attitude and start helping people cope with their problems. It will be beneficial for both of you! We all know that positive energy flows through us so there are always benefits to sharing it.

Can Reiki harm the healer or the person to be healed?

Nowadays there are thousands, maybe millions of medicines claiming to relieve patients from pain and offer them solutions to their problems. Yet, most of them have serious side effects which can lead to the disruption of internal balance in other regions of the body. Thus, while healing or at least alleviating the conditions on one area, they cause another problem in another part of the body. This is not something which happens with Reiki. Reiki is a non-invasive technique which involves channeling the positive energy throughout the human body.

Unlike the modern medicines, the universal energy is harmless and because it is guided by a supernatural force (God, divinity or whatever name you want to give it) it reaches the spot where it is needed. Thus, whether you know exactly what is to blame for your suffering or not, the energy will discover it and will heal it. There is no need for any medical checking and in most cases the practitioner is just guiding the energy to enter the body, then leaving it to wander feely. This allows the practitioner’s ego to stay away from the procedure, leaving the Creator to do the healing process.
There is no risk or side effect associated with Reiki because the energy introduced inside the body is the energy of life, the same that all living creatures have inside. This is positive energy which can never do harm neither to the patient nor to the healer. In fact, both of them will have a state of well being after the procedure is completed.
In addition to that, the human body will retain as much energy as it needs to have a balanced activity, while freeing the one it does not need. The energy will go outside the body, leaving it balanced and in good shape.

Reiki is based on principles of positive feelings, peace and harmony and it uses positive energy, thus it can not be used to harm anyone and it is safe for both parties involved in the healing process. Thus, if you have had any previous doubt about undergoing this type of healing you should give up your fears and let the Creator heal your body and soul problems with Its positive energy!

Discover you inner healer with Reiki

Nowadays most people turn to medicine for solving their problems. From the banal headache to the most complicated cases of chronic diseases, all can be solved with a handful of pills. Yet, in most cases these pills undermine the body’s power to heal and cause several other problems, thus inhibiting the normal function of the body. A solution to that would be restoring the body’s ability to heal itself by improving the energetic flow  through Reiki procedures.

Reiki is a non-invasive procedure which has as main goal that of restoring the energetic balance from inside the body. Using a practitioner as the channel and the guiding person, the vital energy is introduced inside the body. From there the energy, guided by the Supreme Intelligence, reaches the part which needs help in healing and supplies it with the necessary power or energy to start healing itself.

All living creatures have this universal, vital energy, which is positive by its nature because it comes from the supreme force. The imbalance appears when negative thoughts and feelings are let inside the body. These prevent the normal flow of the positive energy, thus leading to illnesses or diseases of different types. What Reiki does, through the practitioner, is to reestablish this balance and improve the body’s ability to fight with the negative energy. Unlike other types of healing, Reiki does not introduce any other substances stranger to your body, but simply supplies the body with more of the positive energy it already comprises. Thus, the body will heal naturally and no foreign substances will be introduced inside the body.

There are two ways in which Reiki can be used: either as a full therapy or as a complementary therapy indicated in post-surgery or post trauma cases. Thus, if you are on a treatment right now, you can still follow it and start a Reiki treatment. The flow of positive energy will make your body recover faster and at the same time will give you a state of well being and optimism that will help you pass much easier through the momentary hardships and will give you strength to move on regardless of what is waiting for you ahead!

Hands on and distant Reiki healing

Reiki is the healing technique through which one person, called Reiki practitioner channels the vital energy through another person’s body, usually called patient or recipient. This procedure can be done by the practitioner in two different ways: either by using their hands to channel the energy, also called hands-on technique or by using the power of mind when the patient is not in the same location as the practitioner (called distant technique).

Hands-on technique 

It involves the direct contact between practitioner and patient. Usually the practitioner places their hands on key areas from the patient’s body, thus channeling the energy throughout the entire body. There are several key positions which can lead to the total healing or alleviation of people’s suffering. When using hands on Reiki, the practitioner will feel a vibration in their hands or a warm feeling trespassing their body. This is the sign that the energy goes through the practitioner’s body towards the patient. Sometimes these feelings can be felt of the soles of the feel, so the practitioner may use their feet too, in order to perform a more effective healing.

At Distance Reiki 

At distance Reiki functions in almost the same manner as the hands-on technique in the sense that the practitioner it is used as channel and guide for the positive energy. The only difference is that the patient is no longer in the same room with the practitioner, but at a considerable distance, sometimes at the other end of the world.

Many people consider this type of Reiki procedure weaker than the hands-on technique, but it fact it they are equal in power and positive effects. This is mainly because we are all united through positive energy and no matter where they are, the individuals can connect with one another through the power of positive energy. There are cases in which the future Reiki Masters receive their attunements or empowerments at distance, following the same principle of the energy bonding all people.

No matter what type of Reiki procedure you choose, it is highly important to think positive and surround yourself with positive persons, so that the energy will flow through your body undisrupted and you will have a sense of well being all your life.

Harmony – One of Reiki’s key principles

Reiki has been first established by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in 1914. After a period of 21 days spent in fasting and meditation he had a revelation and discovered the way through which he can use the vital energy in order to heal people’s suffering and improve their mental and emotional condition. Just by energy transference

The principles on which Reiki stands are simple: live in harmony with the ones around you, prevent anger from entering in your soul, be honest and honor the ones who have done something good for you. Thus, only through harmony one can prepare their body for receiving the healing energy. The reason for this is quite simple: when people do not leave in harmony with one another they permit anger and negative feelings to invade their souls. With the negative energy inside their body, the flow of vital energy is disrupted and some areas of the body no longer receive enough energy to keep them functioning the right way. Unless this situation is solved fast, the blocking of positive energy leads to serious illnesses and diseases.

These diseases can be healed or at least alleviated using Reiki, yet if the negative feelings come back on a regular basis, a thorough healing is not possible. Moreover, there are great chances that the conditions will get worse as time goes by and more and more Reiki sessions will be needed in order to restore the balance of Ki energy inside the affected body.

This is why, Usui insisted that a normal person who wants to be happy and live a calm life should always stick to the Reiki principles. They are the only ones who can offer people a healthy and healthy life. Thus, if you are constantly angry and tend to forget that all people have a soul which need to be protected, it is time to look for positive feelings inside you. Only by living in harmony with the ones around you will be able to attract the vital energy and ensure its continuous flow through your body, only this way you will protect you body, mind and soul of any type of problems.

How much time should you dedicate to each Reiki session?

Reiki is one of the few non-invasive healing techniques which do not require ingesting any medicine or herbs, do not require believing in certain gods and does not even require that you believe in it. Because it works with the vital energy that is present in all people, it is no way in which it can harm people. Thus, if you receive too much or too few energy your body will not be affected in a negative way.

Anyone can undergo Reiki sessions, as they are not only meant to heal, but they can also be used to keep the body in good shape and prevent negative energy from affecting it. Also, because it does not require any type of medicine, any pressure or any pain, this procedure can be undergone by all people, including pregnant women, children and babies without affecting their development in any way. Through their bodies flows positive energy too, so there is no reason why they should not be subjected to this type of healing sessions.

The duration of a normal Reiki session is of about an hour, time in which the patient is wearing their normal clothes, they are lying on a couch or bed in horizontal position and the practitioner is channeling the energy through them using their hands. There are Reiki sessions which can last more than an hour. These are the cases in which the patient has a severe imbalance of energy and it needs more energy to make their body function normally again.

Most of the sessions need to be repeated as there are times which only one Reiki session will not be enough to treat all the illnesses from which the patient is suffering. If the condition is not bad, the patient is recommended to return for another one-hour Reiki session in order to prevent the apparition of the same condition or of another condition due to the same imbalance. Moreover, it is advisable that one should undergo Reiki sessions regularly as they are highly beneficial for the entire body. They promote relaxation, fight stress and negative energies which can cause diseases. So, if you know a Reiki Master you should dedicate an hour of your week for taking proper care of your body!

How should you act during the treatment session

During a Reiki session two people are involved: the practitioners and the patient. The way in which the two act during the Reiki session is highly important for the results. Each one of the two parts has its share of responsibility during the process. This is why there are going to be two sessions in this article, one for each of the two parts.


The main requirement for the practitioner is that of respecting the client’s right to intimacy. This means that they should ask before the session whether the client likes to be touched or not. If the client would rather not to be touched, then the practitioner should keep their hands above the body and channel the energy without touching the client. Also, it is highly important for the practitioner to know that including the genital areas in the Reiki treatment is something which can be done only in self treatment, when the person to be treated is their partner or when the patient has a severe problem in that area, in this latter case only after the patient has agreed to be touched on that area.
If the patient allows to be touched, no rubbing, massage or any type of pressure is permitted during the session. Also, the patient does not need to take off any of their clothes and must necessarily be seated.

The main requirement for the patient is that of standing still as this is the only way through which an effective channeling can be done. Also, the patient must respect their practitioner and believe in their channeling powers. This is part of the Reiki belief which states that you must nurture positive feelings for the ones around you. Moreover, in order for the session to be successful the patient must banish any negative thought from their mind and leave positive energy to do their job.
The patient should remain silent during the session. Even though Reiki sessions can also be done with people talking, in most cases the practitioner may get distracted and lose their focus. This can lead to unsuccessful channeling.

Both patient and practitioner should respect each other, maintain an amiable climate between them and keep silence for an hour of more (during the Reiki session). Afterwards, the practitioner may ask for remarks, comments or feedback.