Monday, August 12, 2013

Can I lose my Reiki energy if I share it with other people?

Many people consider that Reiki involves sharing your energy with other people so that they attain energetic balance. From here the wrong assumption is that when healing too many people or when sharing the Ki energy with them, the practitioner’s energy is depleted and he/she is more prone to energetic imbalance, hence diseases or illnesses. This is the wrong way of addressing the problem of loosing energy to the patient as this does not happen.

The best way to explained that loss of energy occurs is explained below:

When the energy is channeled by the practitioner towards the patient, both the practitioner and the patient are considered to be in need of energy. Thus, the Ki energy addresses both the practitioner and the patient. It is practically a double healing and while the practitioner is only the means through which the energy reaches the patient, the divine force considers that the practitioner should also be healed. This is why there is no possible way through which the energy of the practitioner could ever be depleted. When you are working only as a channel, a transmitter and none of your resources are involved in the procedure, there is no reason to be afraid of remaining without resources.
In addition to that, the practitioner’s ego is not involved in any way in the process of healing. The energy is guided by the supreme force to the parts of the body which need care, so that the healing force is the divinity and not the practitioner, the latter being only the channel.

After undergoing a healing session, both the practitioner and the patient are surrounded by positive energy which gives them that sate of well being so much cherished by all those practicing Reiki. Thus, in addition to being a positive experience for the patient, the Reiki sessions are highly beneficial for the practitioner, too. They get to help people heal and at the same time they undergo a process of cleansing and purification.

Thus, if you have never wanted to share your power with others for fear of not depleting your energy, it is high time that you reconsider your attitude and start helping people cope with their problems. It will be beneficial for both of you! We all know that positive energy flows through us so there are always benefits to sharing it.

Can Reiki harm the healer or the person to be healed?

Nowadays there are thousands, maybe millions of medicines claiming to relieve patients from pain and offer them solutions to their problems. Yet, most of them have serious side effects which can lead to the disruption of internal balance in other regions of the body. Thus, while healing or at least alleviating the conditions on one area, they cause another problem in another part of the body. This is not something which happens with Reiki. Reiki is a non-invasive technique which involves channeling the positive energy throughout the human body.

Unlike the modern medicines, the universal energy is harmless and because it is guided by a supernatural force (God, divinity or whatever name you want to give it) it reaches the spot where it is needed. Thus, whether you know exactly what is to blame for your suffering or not, the energy will discover it and will heal it. There is no need for any medical checking and in most cases the practitioner is just guiding the energy to enter the body, then leaving it to wander feely. This allows the practitioner’s ego to stay away from the procedure, leaving the Creator to do the healing process.
There is no risk or side effect associated with Reiki because the energy introduced inside the body is the energy of life, the same that all living creatures have inside. This is positive energy which can never do harm neither to the patient nor to the healer. In fact, both of them will have a state of well being after the procedure is completed.
In addition to that, the human body will retain as much energy as it needs to have a balanced activity, while freeing the one it does not need. The energy will go outside the body, leaving it balanced and in good shape.

Reiki is based on principles of positive feelings, peace and harmony and it uses positive energy, thus it can not be used to harm anyone and it is safe for both parties involved in the healing process. Thus, if you have had any previous doubt about undergoing this type of healing you should give up your fears and let the Creator heal your body and soul problems with Its positive energy!

Discover you inner healer with Reiki

Nowadays most people turn to medicine for solving their problems. From the banal headache to the most complicated cases of chronic diseases, all can be solved with a handful of pills. Yet, in most cases these pills undermine the body’s power to heal and cause several other problems, thus inhibiting the normal function of the body. A solution to that would be restoring the body’s ability to heal itself by improving the energetic flow  through Reiki procedures.

Reiki is a non-invasive procedure which has as main goal that of restoring the energetic balance from inside the body. Using a practitioner as the channel and the guiding person, the vital energy is introduced inside the body. From there the energy, guided by the Supreme Intelligence, reaches the part which needs help in healing and supplies it with the necessary power or energy to start healing itself.

All living creatures have this universal, vital energy, which is positive by its nature because it comes from the supreme force. The imbalance appears when negative thoughts and feelings are let inside the body. These prevent the normal flow of the positive energy, thus leading to illnesses or diseases of different types. What Reiki does, through the practitioner, is to reestablish this balance and improve the body’s ability to fight with the negative energy. Unlike other types of healing, Reiki does not introduce any other substances stranger to your body, but simply supplies the body with more of the positive energy it already comprises. Thus, the body will heal naturally and no foreign substances will be introduced inside the body.

There are two ways in which Reiki can be used: either as a full therapy or as a complementary therapy indicated in post-surgery or post trauma cases. Thus, if you are on a treatment right now, you can still follow it and start a Reiki treatment. The flow of positive energy will make your body recover faster and at the same time will give you a state of well being and optimism that will help you pass much easier through the momentary hardships and will give you strength to move on regardless of what is waiting for you ahead!

Hands on and distant Reiki healing

Reiki is the healing technique through which one person, called Reiki practitioner channels the vital energy through another person’s body, usually called patient or recipient. This procedure can be done by the practitioner in two different ways: either by using their hands to channel the energy, also called hands-on technique or by using the power of mind when the patient is not in the same location as the practitioner (called distant technique).

Hands-on technique 

It involves the direct contact between practitioner and patient. Usually the practitioner places their hands on key areas from the patient’s body, thus channeling the energy throughout the entire body. There are several key positions which can lead to the total healing or alleviation of people’s suffering. When using hands on Reiki, the practitioner will feel a vibration in their hands or a warm feeling trespassing their body. This is the sign that the energy goes through the practitioner’s body towards the patient. Sometimes these feelings can be felt of the soles of the feel, so the practitioner may use their feet too, in order to perform a more effective healing.

At Distance Reiki 

At distance Reiki functions in almost the same manner as the hands-on technique in the sense that the practitioner it is used as channel and guide for the positive energy. The only difference is that the patient is no longer in the same room with the practitioner, but at a considerable distance, sometimes at the other end of the world.

Many people consider this type of Reiki procedure weaker than the hands-on technique, but it fact it they are equal in power and positive effects. This is mainly because we are all united through positive energy and no matter where they are, the individuals can connect with one another through the power of positive energy. There are cases in which the future Reiki Masters receive their attunements or empowerments at distance, following the same principle of the energy bonding all people.

No matter what type of Reiki procedure you choose, it is highly important to think positive and surround yourself with positive persons, so that the energy will flow through your body undisrupted and you will have a sense of well being all your life.

Harmony – One of Reiki’s key principles

Reiki has been first established by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in 1914. After a period of 21 days spent in fasting and meditation he had a revelation and discovered the way through which he can use the vital energy in order to heal people’s suffering and improve their mental and emotional condition. Just by energy transference

The principles on which Reiki stands are simple: live in harmony with the ones around you, prevent anger from entering in your soul, be honest and honor the ones who have done something good for you. Thus, only through harmony one can prepare their body for receiving the healing energy. The reason for this is quite simple: when people do not leave in harmony with one another they permit anger and negative feelings to invade their souls. With the negative energy inside their body, the flow of vital energy is disrupted and some areas of the body no longer receive enough energy to keep them functioning the right way. Unless this situation is solved fast, the blocking of positive energy leads to serious illnesses and diseases.

These diseases can be healed or at least alleviated using Reiki, yet if the negative feelings come back on a regular basis, a thorough healing is not possible. Moreover, there are great chances that the conditions will get worse as time goes by and more and more Reiki sessions will be needed in order to restore the balance of Ki energy inside the affected body.

This is why, Usui insisted that a normal person who wants to be happy and live a calm life should always stick to the Reiki principles. They are the only ones who can offer people a healthy and healthy life. Thus, if you are constantly angry and tend to forget that all people have a soul which need to be protected, it is time to look for positive feelings inside you. Only by living in harmony with the ones around you will be able to attract the vital energy and ensure its continuous flow through your body, only this way you will protect you body, mind and soul of any type of problems.

How much time should you dedicate to each Reiki session?

Reiki is one of the few non-invasive healing techniques which do not require ingesting any medicine or herbs, do not require believing in certain gods and does not even require that you believe in it. Because it works with the vital energy that is present in all people, it is no way in which it can harm people. Thus, if you receive too much or too few energy your body will not be affected in a negative way.

Anyone can undergo Reiki sessions, as they are not only meant to heal, but they can also be used to keep the body in good shape and prevent negative energy from affecting it. Also, because it does not require any type of medicine, any pressure or any pain, this procedure can be undergone by all people, including pregnant women, children and babies without affecting their development in any way. Through their bodies flows positive energy too, so there is no reason why they should not be subjected to this type of healing sessions.

The duration of a normal Reiki session is of about an hour, time in which the patient is wearing their normal clothes, they are lying on a couch or bed in horizontal position and the practitioner is channeling the energy through them using their hands. There are Reiki sessions which can last more than an hour. These are the cases in which the patient has a severe imbalance of energy and it needs more energy to make their body function normally again.

Most of the sessions need to be repeated as there are times which only one Reiki session will not be enough to treat all the illnesses from which the patient is suffering. If the condition is not bad, the patient is recommended to return for another one-hour Reiki session in order to prevent the apparition of the same condition or of another condition due to the same imbalance. Moreover, it is advisable that one should undergo Reiki sessions regularly as they are highly beneficial for the entire body. They promote relaxation, fight stress and negative energies which can cause diseases. So, if you know a Reiki Master you should dedicate an hour of your week for taking proper care of your body!

How should you act during the treatment session

During a Reiki session two people are involved: the practitioners and the patient. The way in which the two act during the Reiki session is highly important for the results. Each one of the two parts has its share of responsibility during the process. This is why there are going to be two sessions in this article, one for each of the two parts.


The main requirement for the practitioner is that of respecting the client’s right to intimacy. This means that they should ask before the session whether the client likes to be touched or not. If the client would rather not to be touched, then the practitioner should keep their hands above the body and channel the energy without touching the client. Also, it is highly important for the practitioner to know that including the genital areas in the Reiki treatment is something which can be done only in self treatment, when the person to be treated is their partner or when the patient has a severe problem in that area, in this latter case only after the patient has agreed to be touched on that area.
If the patient allows to be touched, no rubbing, massage or any type of pressure is permitted during the session. Also, the patient does not need to take off any of their clothes and must necessarily be seated.

The main requirement for the patient is that of standing still as this is the only way through which an effective channeling can be done. Also, the patient must respect their practitioner and believe in their channeling powers. This is part of the Reiki belief which states that you must nurture positive feelings for the ones around you. Moreover, in order for the session to be successful the patient must banish any negative thought from their mind and leave positive energy to do their job.
The patient should remain silent during the session. Even though Reiki sessions can also be done with people talking, in most cases the practitioner may get distracted and lose their focus. This can lead to unsuccessful channeling.

Both patient and practitioner should respect each other, maintain an amiable climate between them and keep silence for an hour of more (during the Reiki session). Afterwards, the practitioner may ask for remarks, comments or feedback.

What are Reiki’s connections with religion

Reiki is defined as the technique through which the divine force is channeled towards the patient’s body in order to heal their suffering, be it physical, mental or emotional. This definition has made many people think that in order to benefit from the positive effects of Reiki one must have a certain religion. Yet, this is as false as possible.

Reiki is not connected with any religion. You may not believe in anything or have your own God, as long as you believe in positive things and have positive values, the Ki energy can help you with all your problems. The Ki means the universal power of life and it is a higher force, imperceptible to human senses. It governs the life of the living creatures and it may take the form of whatever god you may want! If associating this spirit with your supreme deity helps you focus more and feel the vibrations of Ki, you can associate it with your God, but this is only a pretext, a means of attaining a more profound connection with Ki and it is not necessary in order to channel Ki through the human body (no matter if it is your body or somebody else’s).

Moreover, Reiki can be used even on those who do not believe in the benefits of this technique as it does not require any belief. The skepticism shown by people will not prevent the energy from releasing them of negative energy and restoring the balance inside their body. In fact, the energy is only challenged by the practitioner until it reaches the inside of the human body, while afterwards making its own way towards the affected areas. Also, because this procedure can be done at distance, there is no need for the patient to be touched and in some cases the patient may not even know that such a procedure is done for them. Yet, they will feel it once the energy will heal their suffering and will strengthen their immune system.

Reiki can be learned by everyone, regardless of their religion or belief, as well as their background or social status. Reiki is a positive healing technique and will work for all those who ban negative thoughts from their minds.

Reiki cannot be used for obscure purposes or for harming people

There is nowadays a visible tendency of hurting the others. People look for direct or indirect ways to reach the highest social hierarchies and for that they will do whatever it takes, even if this means they will have to step over the bodies of other people. Yet, there is still hope as there are healing procedures and techniques which can not e directed in any way against people or any other living creature. Reiki is the healing technique which not only balances the energy from the human body, but it also has positive principles which thoroughly respects.

Reiki can only be performed after the practitioner has cleaned himself/herself of all the body problems or any type of negative energy. This prevents them from transmitting any negative energy to the ones whom they are healing.

In addition to that, the Reiki practitioner has no control over the energy flow once it has entered to individual’s body. While the energy can be guided to enter the body, from there on it will individuate the place where it is needed and go in that direction without the help of the practitioner. This energy is positive and it is guided by the divinity, thus there is no way that it could ever be used for harming people or for any other negative purpose.

The body absorbs as much energy as it needs, so there is no need for the practitioner to stop the procedure if they feel that too much energy flows through the patient’s body. A healthy organ will not retain any energy, while a sick or damaged one will retain just as much as it needs to heal. Thus, the fear that too much energy introduced in the individual’s body can cause them harm is not based on solid ground!

If you are thinking of harming your peers with Reiki, then you should know that this is not possible. Reiki uses positive energy and can be sued only for healing people or helping them cope with their problems. Obscure or negative goals can not be pursued with the help of Reiki, moreover they can be easily unraveled with this type of healing procedure.

Reiki prevents and cures diseases at the same time

It is well known that it is far better to prevent than treat. This is why modern doctors stress the importance of a good and balanced life. Prevention is the key for leading a healthy life, healthy life meaning both without any diseases or illnesses and free of stress, nervousness and anxiety. This is the life promoted by all Reiki Masters. Unfortunately, there are times when the prevention system fails and these are the times when treatment is needed. Reiki can perform treatments, too by enhancing the body’s abilities to heal itself.

Reiki promotes a good state of mind and a healthy body. The first step in doing that is relieving the body, mind and soul from any possible suffering. It does that from channeling the vital energy towards the place affected by viruses, bacteria, stress, anxiety or any other harmful attacks. This energy fights these stimuli and reduces the body to its normal function without any substance foreign to the body and without any invasive method. In addition to that, because the energy is guided by a
Superior Intelligence, it spots any area with problems, even if that is unknown to the patient and to the practitioner and helps the body heal more effectively. Last, but not least it promotes a state of well being which makes patients to be happy and gives them courage to explore life to the fullest.

The second step in promoting a good health (or the only one for healthy people) is prevention. Reiki sessions can be undergone even if the individual does not feel any pain. Stress, anxiety, depression can all be beaten with regular sessions of Reiki. This will prevent the negative energy from accumulating inside the body and give rise to certain illnesses or diseases.

Reiki sessions are perfect for people of any age and can help the body remain in good state for ever. With proper healing techniques done by Reiki Masters one can alleviate or even get rid for good of their suffering and prevent the diseases or illnesses touch them again! In addition to that, the level of stress will be reduced and the body will experience total relaxation, being able to work at its own peace.

Reiki restores natural order in your body

It is obvious that we are born to be healthy. The human body is designed in such a way as to be healthy even in harsh environments. There are plenty of examples which can sustain this statement. For example, there are always bacteria and viruses inside the human body, yet most of them are neutralized and they do not get to spread and cause problems. Moreover, they get to be used and exploited for our own being. Also, toxins reach our body, but they can be quickly eliminated, just as the brain continues to function normally in stress conditions. Yet, there are times when these situations get out of control and the body can no longer cope with their invasion. Why?

There is a simple answer for that: when functioning normally, the body is trespassed by a flow of vital energy which prompts each organ to work as it should. When imbalances occur and this flow is disrupted, the vital energy can no longer reach all organs, thus leaving them without the necessary support for functioning as they should. This results in illnesses and diseases at physical or intellectual level. What Reiki does is to reestablish that flow of positive energy, so that each and every organ will receive as much energy as it needs to recover and retake its normal functioning.

For this, the practitioner will need to channel the energy towards your body and then guide it to the source of your problems. If there are unspotted places where the practitioner may not guide the energy, then the flow of energy will immediately direct towards those spots, so there is no need to worry about whether the practitioner will find the right spot or not. The vital energy is guided by the supernatural force which created universe, so it will feel what organs need more positive energy.

Also, the body will only acquire the amount of energy it needs to function properly, so the practitioner should not refrain from letting the energy flow towards the client.
Reiki does not use any type of substances, is non-invasive and does not affect the body in any negative way. The energy it uses is positive and comes from the creator of this world, so it cannot be used for negative purposes. Because of that it can be used both for healing and for prevention.

Reiki self treatment – How it can help you feel the energy

Because Reiki is defined as a healing procedure, many people believe that it can only be employed to help the others clean and heal, while the practitioner’s body is just a channel which transmits the energy. While this is partially true, because through the practitioner’s body the vital energy is directed towards the patient, there is also true that Reiki is primary meant to help the practitioner heal himself and only afterwards help the others.

The first level in becoming a Reiki master is meant at teaching students how to use the healing energy to free themselves of negative feelings. They are taught how to banish the anger they may experience and how to spot the parts of the body whose activity may be blocked because of the negative energy present inside the body. The reason for which this is the first level in teaching Reiki is because all Reiki practitioners must necessarily know how to treat and clean themselves before trying to heal the others.

In addition to that, the Reiki self treatment is recommended on a regular basis starting with the first attunement on. This way, the positive energy will prepare the future Reiki Master for the changes which are going to take place in their bodies. Because after the first attunement the students are going to pass through a series of changes and the energy will start invading their bodies, the individual must be able to cope with the new feelings they are experimenting and this is what the self treatment does.

Reiki cannot be performed accordingly by a practitioner who does not know how to effectively treat themselves. Thus, if you are thinking of learning the secrets of Reiki healing and start helping the others, you will have to first learn how to heal yourself. This will not only give you a state of well being, peace and relaxation, but it will also help you feel the positive energy more acutely, which will help you guide it better towards the patient.  So, if you have received your first attunement start your day with a Reiki cleansing and healing procedure which will give you power to face the day in a positive manner.

Reiki succeeds only where there are positive feelings

Reiki is the technique through which positive energy is channeled towards the human body. This channeling is only allowed to people who have received their attunement. Yet, there are certain criteria which need to be met in order for Reiki healing treatment to be successful and all can be summarized through the statement: live in harmony with the ones around you! This is the principle which must guide both the practitioner and the patient, as this is the basis of Reiki.

As mentioned previously, Reiki works only with positive energy, the vital energy which brings all things to life. This energy cannot be used to harm people, not it can be used with any negative intentions as this vital energy flows through each of the living organisms from this universe. Moreover, when there are negative feelings or thoughts inside one individual, they produce negative energy, which eventually leads to the disruption of the energetic flow. This is the time when the patient starts experiencing physical pain and what it is commonly known as illnesses or diseases. This is mainly because the negative energy affects the body and no longer permits the positive energy to nourish that part of the body.

When the negative energy sets in, according to the Reiki philosophy there are two solutions: either give up the negative feelings which have triggered the physical or mental problem and replace them with positive thoughts, which is applicable only immediately after the negative energy has set in or start a Reiki healing treatment which will help the body heal and defeat negative thoughts. Reiki healing can only be done by a practitioner, a person who has received empowerment to do this type of healing.

In each of the cases, the positive feelings are necessary in order for the healing to be complete. If anger, envy, hatred or anxiety still lurk inside the individual’s soul, those will rapidly be mirrored on the body. Thus, the first step you have to take if you want to get rid of your illnesses or diseases, regardless of their type is to start thinking positive and let go all the negative energy which has been accumulated inside of you!

The entire body can benefit from Reiki

Nowadays specialized treatments have been created for each one of the problems our body may encounter. Thus, we have treatments for depressions, treatments for infections, treatments for low immune system, treatments for flu, treatments for chronic diseases, treatment to take fore and after a surgery and so on. Moreover, the physical issues can never b related with psychological ones. Yet, in this world where there is a specialized treatment for virtually any type of disease, illness or condition you can think of, there is one type of treatment which can cure your entire body in a single session. That healing technique is called Reiki and is not only able to heal, but it can also spot the problem and prevent any further complications.

But what is Reiki? Reiki comes from the words Rei (universal or spiritual wisdom) and Ki (energy) and it means healing the body by using the universal or vital energy. This energy is guided by a supernatural force, the same force which created the universe and it is the same which flows now through our body. The reason for which this force is able to heal and restore the inner equilibrium for each and every individual is because it is already inside our body, but a negative force (whether we talk about viruses, bacteria or negative feelings) prevents it from being active and disrupts its normal flow. The Reiki Master restores the interior equilibrium by guiding the vital energy inside the human body and channeling it towards the spots which need further help.

Reiki can help the entire body. Physically it can heal almost any type of disease or illness which is known to the humans, including chronic diseases and severe cases. People suffering from increased toxicity in their bodies, injuries, nutritional depletions have used Reiki with positive result. This type of healing is also highly effective for those suffering of emotional problems. People regarding themselves in a negative way, people who have suffered emotional traumas as well as those who have their heart broken after a failed relationship have found out the bright side of life with the help of Reiki. Also, people suffering from posttraumatic shock or from different mental conditions can be healed using the Reiki healing technology.

There is nothing in this world which can not be addressed using Reiki. Just give the positive energy a chance and you will see who it can totally change your life.

The positive effects of Reiki on the human body

Reiki is known for its positive effects on the human body. However, many people of those who have not yet experienced its power know what exactly Reiki does and what its final results are. If you are interested in the way in which Reiki can help you, then read on and find out what Reiki can do for your body, mind and soul.
  1. Increases the body’s ability to heal itself. Normally, the body has a defense system which functions good as long as the Ki flow is not interrupted. When the Ki is no longer able to flow through the body, illnesses and diseases can appear. Reiki stimulates the flow of positive energy, thus enabling the body to heal itself and fight the external and internal attacks more effectively.
  2. Cleans the body of all toxins. Because it acts on the entire body, it is one of the few complete detox programs one can follow. In addition to that it does not involve refraining from food or any other type of activity. Yet, negative thoughts need to be banned from the individual’s mind as they may have a negative impact upon the therapy.
  3. Promotes health, positive thoughts and relaxation. The principles of Reiki rely on positive thinking, thus a peace of mind and relaxation is induced to the individual. By removing negative energy and promoting a sense of peace, the healing process will be easier and shorter, regardless of the illness or disease from which the individual suffers.
  4. Works on the digestive system and enhances the benefic effects of every thing an individual ingests, from food and water to medicines and curative herbs. Thus, it can be successfully used as a complementary therapy for those already taking medicine, but at the same time it is great for maintain the individual’s health in good parameters.
  5. Works on personal feelings, helping people get over negative experiences from their lives and coping with unexpected or unpleasant situations from their lives. People with depressions, anxieties or suffering from stress can see dramatic improvements of their conditions after the Reiki sessions.
  6. Makes the transition from life to death much easier. It helps the soul transcend into immortality and the body feel less suffering from this transformation. This is why many Reiki adepts use the Ki to make their transition from one world to another smoother.
Reiki offers healing for all types of bodily conditions, as well as for the spiritual problems. It is like a best friend for all those people in need, but it can also relieve healthy people from quotidian stress and problems.

Treating yourself with Reiki

Self healing with Reiki has two main purposes: the first one and the most obvious one is that of healing yourself of any condition, release your body of negative energy and permitting the flow of positive energy to go through your body in a natural, normal way. The second purpose is that of preparing your body to reactive a greater power from the divine force.

The self treatment using Reiki can only be performed by those students who have received their first attunement. This is preceded by profound meditation and learning of the Reiki principles. Once the student has received the first attunement, they will be ready to perform the Reiki procedures on themselves. Moreover, it is recommended that they regularly undergo this type of cleaning sessions, so that they will keep their body and soul in good function, thus preventing them from transmitting any type of negative energy to their patients. Self treatment is similar in procedure to the healing techniques done to the others. The practitioner places their hands on their body in key positions and channels the energy through them, guiding it through the entire body.

In self treatment the hands can reach the body and can even rest on it, yet the hands must remain still as this is not a massage therapy, but an energetic one. Also, in self treatment the practitioner can touch the genitals and the breast area. This is allowed only in self treatment as it is highly important to maintain a limit of decency between the practitioner and the client and respect the latter’s intimacy.

As mentioned previously, self treatment has the goal of preparing the practitioner for receiving more and more positive energy. This ability will help them cope better with the changes through which they have to go. This is why it is almost obligatory that the student will preform self treatment on a regular basis after they receive their first attunement.

Self treatment is one of the most important components of Reiki and it is imperative that the practitioner goes through this procedure regularly, so that they will be able to heal their body first before actually starting to heal the others.

Using Reiki as a complementary way of treatment

Nowadays there are various ways in which a person can be treated. Most of the people go to the hospital when they feel pain in their bodies. Yet, in most cases a cumulative treatment is needed. Reiki is a healing technique which can be used both all by itself and along with other medical or naturist treatments. Because Reiki has no side effect, it is recommended both in physical conditions as well as for treating mental or emotional trauma. There are many reasons for which it is advisable to use Reiki as complementary treatment.

First of all it has a positive effect upon all the things that a person ingests. Thus, whether you are drinking teas or taking medicines to cure one of your sufferings, the positive energy (Ki) enhances their powers, making them more effective in treating your diseases. Also, because it involves balancing the flow of positive energy from inside the body, Reiki is highly useful in minimizing the side effects of different invasive treatments. It is recommended to be used after surgeries, during chemotherapy or other similar invasive treatments as it will help the body heal faster, thus the patient being able to leave the hospital faster.

In addition to this, Reiki acts at the level of the soul and intellect too. Many people are scared, disoriented and angry after suffering an invasive procedure and they tend to give up their hope. A Reiki practitioner can bring those people their hope and well being back by counteracting the effects of the negative energy and by leaving the positive energy flow through their body undistrupted.

Reiki can also be used as an adjuvant in psychological treatments. Improved memory, trauma treatment as well as self confidence and self esteem are the most common effects of Reiki. There have been people who, with the help of the psychologist and regular Reiki sessions have got over serious traumas in their lives and have learned to live a happy and positive life once again.

Reiki is great as a complementary technique. However, if you decide to start a Reiki session in parallel you must let you doctor know, so that they can adjust your program and your treatment accordingly.

What Are Rei and Ki

Reiki is a healing technique which has gained many adepts lately. More and more people believe in the energy that can help them heal their bodies and their minds. Yet, in order to understand correctly what Reiki means, one must know the meaning of its two components Rei and Ki, the ones which give the name if the healing technique.

Rei can be translated as universal. Even though this is a quite superficial definition, this is the meaning attributed by most of the Reiki masters. The more profound meaning comes with exploring the Reiki technique. For many Rei is the highest consciousness, the God, the all knowing wisdom who knows the cause of all human problems and tries to solve them using positive energy.
This is also the most accurate description of what Reiki patients experience when they undergo this type of sessions. There is a power which guides the energy through their bodies regardless of the actions the practitioner does. It is the all knowing conscience which reaches the vulnerable point and tries to heal the mind and/or the soul in order for the patient to achieve a state of well being.

Ki means energy and it is present both as non-physical energy that fuels life and helps the body function in the right way and as energy of the thoughts, mind and emotions experienced by the human soul. Each one of the living creatures is powered by Ki. When there is a low amount of Ki in the human body, there are more chances for that body to contact an illness or disease. On the other hand, when the body is balances and there is enough Ki in the body, the chances of diseases or illnesses of any type are less likely to appear. When the humans die, the Ki gets out of the body and dissipates through the universe. Thus, this energy is running free around us and all we have to do to get our body in good order is to find someone capable of directing all that energy towards us.
Reiki can be of great help to all people, whether they have physical or emotional problems or they just want to prevent their apparition. The good energy can do positive things for each one of us!

What are the steps to become a Reiki Master?

In order to practice Reiki one must undergo several periods of preparation. This way the individual will be prepared to receive and understand the secrets of working with Ki, the divine force which governs life. Usui, the first Reiki master and the one who has established the Reiki healing technique has receives all the Reiki energy at once, thus being able to heal himself, the others and at the same time pass his knowledge of Reiki to his followers. Similarly, he passed the power to his students at once. Yet, Dr. Hayashi understood that not all people who want to learn the principles of Reiki are prepared to receive all the attunements at once as they are not able to adapt to the power that runs through them. This is why he broke the empowerment procedure into 3 main levels. At the end of each level the student receives a new attunement or empowerment, all culminating with receiving the attunement of Reiki master.

Level one – focuses on preparing the body for receiving the energy. During these initial preparations the student is taught how to attract energy, receive it inside their bodies and work with it for their own cleaning. The basic notions of channeling the energy are also disclosed in the first degree sessions. At the end of the preparation period the student will receive the attunement which enables them to use Reiki for their own sake. From then on the students will need to perform regular sessions to clean themselves and balance the level of energy from their bodies.

Level two – it focuses on the others, as the students will be given lessons about the way in which they can use energy to heal the others. The sacred symbols are taught now and the emphasis lays now more on the spiritual part of the student rather than on their physical part (which was the object of the level one). At the end of this level, which lasts four times more than the first one the student should be able to individuate the part of the body which needs treatment, will be able to give proper care to the other people and will be capable of initiating both hands-on and at distance treatment sessions.

Level three – this is the last attunement. Students who choose to undergo this last level of learning will be taught how to pass their knowledge and power to the other people who want to learn about Reiki. At the end of the lessons they become Reiki masters and have the highest rank in the Reiki hierarchy, but they have also more responsible, as they are in charge of their lives as well as of the others’.

Reiki attunements are valid for life, so even if you do not use it for a long period you will still have them and be able to activate your power when needed.

What is attunement and why you need it to perform Reiki

Reiki sessions always need two people: the patient and the practitioner. The practitioner is not just any person claiming to have powers in guiding energy. In order to be a real Reiki practitioner one must receive the necessary attunements and have at least two of the three levels of becoming a Reiki master completed. This will enable them to heal themselves (first degree) and to heal others (second degree).  People who have not received these attunements are not working with Reiki, but rather use other types of energy healing. Thus, it is important to ask your Reiki practitioner if they have the necessary attunements to practice Reiki. It will be a way of ensuring that you are not dealing with a scam.

Reiki attunements, also known as empowerments are special Reiki sessions in which the Reiki Master (which is also the teacher) transfers part of the energy and of their learning to the students wanting to be introduced to Reiki. It is a special process which acknowledges the fact that the students are ready to work with the supreme energy and can heal themselves (first attunement) and the others (second attunement). The last attunement represents the ability of the student to become a Reiki Master, thus not only to be able to use the Ki, but also to share their knowledge with other people and become a teacher for them.

The attunement for all these three levels used to be given all at once, but to avoid superficial people from trying to get it, it was split into three with different stages of preparation, meditation periods and preparation for the special event. Thus, only those determined to help people will be able to get this attunement.

One can receive their attunement personally, using the hands-on technique, or, if the teacher is at the distance, they can send the attunement from the distance. There is no difference between the two types of attunement, apart from the convenience of not leaving your own home to attend a miles away attunement.

In order to practice Reiki every individual must receive their attunements or empowerments. Without them they are not Reiki Masters and cannot channel the vital energy, which will lead to no effect after the so called Reiki sessions. So, make sure that your Reiki Master has received all the attunements before starting the healing sessions.

What types of illnesses does Reiki heal and how?

Reiki is a Japanese healing therapy which works by guiding Ki through the patient’s body. Ki is the universal energy, God’s power which keeps all the living creatures alive. In normal situations, when the body is in good shape and the person has a state of well being, the Ki flows undistrupted through the entire body. During the time when the Ki has a normal flow through the body, the person is happy and positive feelings are present in their mind and soul.

Yet, when negative thoughts make their way through the individual’s soul, the Ki flow is disrupted. This means that one or more areas of the body no longer receive the amount of life energy needed to function properly. The situation can be solved by leaving positive thoughts enter one’s soul. When this is not possible and the negative energy lurks inside the body, the affected areas become more prone to developing certain illnesses and diseases. This is when Reiki must be used to guide the Ki and restore the balance inside the affected bodies.

The practitioner guides the Ki through the body and with the help of their hands, they direct the energy towards the parts of the body which require help. If the practitioner does not spot exactly the area with the problems, the energy will go to the affected area, no matter if it is guided in that direction or not. Thus, the results of this technique are guaranteed regardless of the practitioner’s ability to discover the affected area.

Because it balances the energy inside the human body, Reiki has been used to treat all types of body illnesses and diseases. Moreover, it has been used as complementary therapy along with medicines.
Not only physical conditions can be treated with the help of Reiki. Ki can also improve the overall condition of people with emotional problems. In fact, as pointed out previously, the negative energy (or negative thoughts) is at the basis of all problems, so dealing with those is the first step in any Reiki treatment. Thus, if you want to balance your chakra you will firstly need to learn how to think positive.

The principles of Reiki are very simple and easy to follow. In addition to that, it is non invasive and can solve any known problem, so if you suffer from a bodily or emotional problem you should give it a try!

What you need in order to become a Reiki healer

Reiki means healing one’s body and/or soul with the use of the universal positive energy. Anyone can benefit from the positive effects of this universal power or energy, yet it requires a practitioner which ahs received the attunement or empowerment to channel the energy through the individual’s body.

Everyone can become a Reiki healer. There is no restriction regarding religion, intellectual capacities, learning or ability to meditate. Anyone who wishes to be initiated in the secrets of Reiki technique is a potential Reiki healer. However, in order to be able to channel the energy one must necessarily receive attend special preparation Reiki sessions and obtain the attunement. For this, a future Reiki master must undergo a series of preparations. The original Reiki preparation, taught by Dr. Usui involved learning different meditation techniques, breathing exercises, reciting spiritual poetry and the Reiki principles, regular empowerment meant to open the student’s eyes towards this new type of healing and last the hands-on and distance healing were taught.

Nowadays there are two ways in which you can undergo your Reiki apprentice: whether by learning the secrets of Reiki with one of the few Reiki Masters or read their books and practice Reiki all by yourself. While the first option is considered to be better, it is not always quite affordable for different reasons, ranging from time to the fees one will have to pay. The second option, which is considered by specialists almost as effective as the direct apprenticeship is much more comfortable. Those interested read the book with lessons, perform the activities listed there and they receive indirect attunement. Some Reiki masters are also available on the phone or through email for feedback and/ or comments, so that students can keep in touch with their masters and even receive direct attunement if this is what they want.

There are 3 levels that a student must reach in order to be a Reiki master: first degree, where you learn the importance of the Reiki practice as well as the necessity of cleaning yourself before learning to clean the others; second degree where you are taught the secret uses of Reiki as well as the techniques through which you can heal the others and the third degree when the student becomes a Reiki master who can pass their knowledge to other students.
If becoming a Reiki master is your goal, then you should undergo all those levels, one at a time. For each one you will receive a special empowerment that will recognize your skills in channeling the energy for healing yourself and the others.

Who Can Learn the Principles of Reiki?

Reiki is one of the most powerful healing techniques. It involves channeling the Ki (life energy or divine power) through the patient’s body and balancing the amount of energy from their bodies. It is used for treating all types of illnesses and diseases and can address physical problems as well as mental and emotional ones.  This technique was first explained to people by Dr. Usui who then passed his knowledge and skills to his followers, so that Reiki is a healing technique which can be learned. But who can learn it?

Anyone who is ready to believe in the curative force of positive energy is eligible for becoming a Reiki Master. There is no restriction regarding the type of religion one should believe in, no special period of preparation that can last for years and no intellectual ability necessary in order to be one of those attuned to Reiki. People from all over the world have received their attunement and are now Reiki Masters.

Even though there is no restriction regarding the persons who can become a Reiki Masters, those who intend to follow this path must know that there are three levels they will have to undergo until they become masters. In each one of those levels the students will be taught something and at the end of each level they will receive an attunement. Only after the student has completed all three stages they can be named Reiki Masters.

In addition to that, there is a condition which must be fulfilled by all Reiki students: they must believe and agree with the Reiki principles which state that the Reiki practitioner should live their lives in peace and harmony with the ones around them, will honor the ones which have taught them and brought them to life and will banish every negative feeling from their hearts.

Reiki is one of those non invasive techniques which can have positive effects upon the entire human body. Yet, it needs a person to channel the energy through the human body. Do you think you can take this responsibility of healing people and bring that state of wellness in their bodies and minds?

Who can use Reiki?

Reiki is a healing technique open to everyone who wants to try it and learn how to use it. There is no restriction upon who can learn to use Reiki and who cannot. In fact, it is one of the most permissive healing techniques because there is no way in which the Reiki practitioner can harm in any way himself or the patient.

There is no age restriction – starting with children and ending with old people, everybody can take part in the wonder of healing themselves and the others with the power of their hands.

There is no religion restriction – many people wrongly assume that, because the energy from Reiki is guided by the creator of this universe, the Reiki Masters must be adepts of one or another religion. This is false, as Christians, Muslims, Jews , Buddhists or persons of any other religion can become Reiki Masters without betraying their religion. In fact, most of those who have tried this form of Healing claim to be closer of their creator (no matter what name it bore for them).

There is no gender restriction – this is another proof that you do not have to be a member of any religion to become a Reiki Master as in most known religions women were not allowed to be priests or have any important role in the religious hierarchy. Yet, both men and women can become Reiki masters, as they will be only the channels, while the healing action will be performed by the supreme force through the energy guided by it.

The only criterion a Reiki practitioner must fulfill is to have the necessary attunement in order to perform Reiki. The attunements are empowerments received by Reiki students by their masters as a proof of the fact that they are ready to start their healing activity. These are special sessions during which the students are given special directions regarding how to channel the energy and are given more power to heal themselves and the others.

Thus, if you want to become a Reiki master, you can do that after you have undergone a preparation stage and have received the special attunements. Any other detail regarding your physical or intellectual abilities as well as your emotional preferences do not matter!

What is Reiki and how can it help you

Stress and modern diseases have started to take over the human population. More and more people complain about serious illnesses and diseases as well as about a weak immune system which is no longer able to cope with the invasion of external, harmful factors. The problem behind all these health issues is the body’s inability to heal itself.

We have bacteria in our bodies all the times, both good bacteria and bad bacteria. Yet, the bad ones are kept under control by the human body through its power of defense. When this power, this healing energy is no longer present inside the body, it can no longer fight back and the bad energies as well as the diseases set in.

Reiki (Rei = universal and Ki= life force, energy) means the universal energy, the power which is available in the entire universe, in all the living creatures as well as all natural items from this planet. This energy is used in helping the body increase its ability to heal and fight back external aggressions. This technique of Japanese origins is both a healing instrument as well as a purifying technique used for prevention.

The principles of Reiki are simple: by balancing the body’s natural energy, its healing power its increased considerably, so that the bacteria and viruses will not be able to defeat it. Also, any type of disease present at that moment inside the body will be healed or at least improved. The Reiki sessions result in a thorough cleansing of the body and in clearing the mind of all the negative thoughts which used to linger there. Thus, the body will be clean and energetically balanced from both a physical and spiritual perspective.

There are two types of Reiki sessions: the direct ones, in which the Reiki master places their hands on the most important parts of the body and the indirect ones, which take part when the Reiki master cannot reach the client. The procedures are basically the same, with the exception that the client is missing and the Reiki master will just imagine placing their hands on the body. It is said that both procedures are almost equally effective, with slightly more benefic results in the case of hands-on sessions.

Reiki can make wonders for your aura and can help you fight all the diseases of the body and mind which want to take control over you. It is a non-invasive method without any side effects and with great results. Numerous patients stand as proof for that!